208.423.8289 [email protected]

Looking to get your homeschoolers out and on an experience like no other? Look no further.  Tree to Tree Aerial Adventure Park, Idaho is the perfect solution. We know you’re great out of the box thinkers and that you’ll put together the perfect lesson plan to get outdoors, up in the trees, and on an adventure through nature.  The only limits are your imagination. There’s a learning experience for everyone, ages 7 and up.

Here’s some ways that you can get the most out of a Homeschool trip to Tree to Tree!


Observe Animals and Food Webs!
Learn about the parts of a tree: What better way to learn about roots, stems, and leaves than by climbing a tree!


Learn about force, motion, momentum, energy, and more!


There are 6 basic simple machines; the lever, the wheel and axle, the inclined plane, the wedge, the pulley, and the screw. You can find many of these throughout the courses!


Have you heard of Zipline Barbie? Learn about the Pythagorean Theorem, Angles of Elevation, of the length of a right triangle.  This awesome teacher is sharing lesson plans & classroom materials for Zipline Barbie!


Farragut State Park

Are a great way to round out the day!  Farragut State Park invites with many curriculum tie ins, including animals and habitats, endangered species, and more!  It’s even a perfect location to take a nature walk or collect leaves.